Selenite Charging Plate - The Eye of Providence

Selenite Charging Plate - The Eye of Providence

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The Selenite Charging Plate serves as a representation of The Eye of Providence, also known as the All-Seeing Eye. This symbol embodies the concept of Providence and its vigilant observation over humanity. It is often depicted as an eye within a triangle, surrounded by rays of light or a halo. This iconic symbol can be traced back to its origins in ancient Greek literature, as evidenced by similar emblems and references by 17th-century authors. It has since been referenced in various fields, such as alchemy, astrology, kabala, Rosicrucianism, and Freemasonry. The Great Seal of the United States, featured on the US one-dollar bill, prominently displays this symbol on its reverse side.

Selenite is often used to cleanse other crystals as it can cleanse without retaining any negative energies.