Platonic Solids are a great way to connect to the divine Sacred Geometry, which is the foundation of Creation - seen and unseen. These beautiful crystal symbols are used to visualize the Universal Energies that are the underlying powers of life.
These sets have been beautifully hand-carved in India so that each is the same approximate size. They are pure Rose Quartz and consist of the following shapes (with their elemental correspondences):
Tetrahedron - 4 faces, (Fire)
Hexahedron - 6 faces, cube (Earth)
Octahedron - 8 faces (Air)
Icosahedron - 20 faces (Water)
Dodecahedron - 12 faces (Universe)
+ Sphere = Totality
+ Merkaba = Light, Spirit, and Body
These shapes were named for the ancient Greek philosopher Plato who theorized in his dialogue, the Timaeus, that the classical elements were made of these regular solids. The tetrahedron, cube, and octahedron all occur naturally in crystal structures